Coloradas is not another construction company looking to develop new homes or build new skyscrapers. We are a construction company that cares about nature.

We become upset when we look around and see new developments being built, especially those boring looking modern-day cookie-cutter homes. Where they destroy natural ecosystems and use materials toxic to our planet.

We want to provide greener building solutions that benefit not only you but also the environment. We want to de-revolutionize the construction industry and build cleaner and sustainable communities that last centuries.

This means that not only will we have to change the way we have been building for the past 50 years, but we will also have to shift the way we think. We know this will be challenging, but we also know it's necessary. For the well-being of our planet and our future.

Doing the right thing is not always easy. It requires a certain kind of person. A person who is brave enough to go against the norm. Will you join us on this mission and be part of the change?

Check out the list below of some of the building solutions we recommend for every home that can be implemented today.

energy efficiency

Garden Beds

Native wildflowers

Rainwater harvesting

Food Forests

Chicken Coops

compost containers

green houses